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The Duggars are having their 19th child. I told two people at work about this, and both independently responded, “ew.” I grew up in Arkansas, where the Duggars live, and have had my share of encounters with, shall we say, non-mainstream Christians. The Quiverfull movement is its own special brand of weird, but I’m not Read More

This week’s New Yorker features this breathtakingly tragic and much-discussed piece by David Grann about Cameron Todd Willingham, a Texas man who was sentenced to death for starting the fire that killed his three kids. Grann’s piece points to evidence that more or less invalidates the entire case against Willingham, and exposes the shoddy “fail-safes” Read More

Somewhere in a musty box in my mom’s garage is, hopefully, a red folder with pages and pages of notes I took as an undergraduate abroad in London in a class called “Economics of the Public Sector.” (I can’t promise it’s actually there, because the decisions I make on what old papers to keep and Read More

1. They couldn’t fill Cramton Auditorium? 2. Apparently, when Michael Steele isn’t being a buffoon talking about “bling,” and hip-hop republicanism, he is the most boring speaker in the world. 3. Shoutout to The Hilltop! 4. Why is it that protesters who are yelling in favor of health care reform are being rude and should Read More
