Stuff White People Like Archives

Of all the X-men installments from the movie franchise, hands down “X-Men First Class” is its star pupil. It has all the components: vengeance, thrilling action scenes that don’t try to bombard you with all the latest special effects, and quality actors that transform these original 2-D comic book characters into fleshy, multi-faceted beings (well, Read More

Our first Halloween with a black president is upon us, which almost certainly means that we will bear witness to a bevy of “edgy” costumes in which the whole joke is that the president is black. “There’s nothing racial about this costume,” the kid in the blackface will say as he clutches a copy of Read More

Diversity 101: Having  “x” number of friends who are (insert ethnicity here) does not make you less prejudiced. Or does it? There’s a possibility it could for college students. An NYT article published last week outlined the findings from studies that suggested that interracial college roomate pairings may reduce prejudice. There are quite a few Read More

StuffWhitePeopleLike, simultaneously hilarious and problematic, has really blown up in the month or so it’s been in existence — 4 million hits. Best entries: Standing Still at Concerts, Expensive Sandwiches, Mos Def. Last week, the blog’s mastermind popped up on NPR’s Talk of the Nation, and he said the site was born in a conversation Read More