Sports Archives

More outrageous than a swimsuit model-turned-TV sports reporter wearing tight jeans, or the boys-will-be-boys defense that has prevailed in recent days, or disingenuous conversations about fashion choices, are the numbers. Or rather, the absence of the numbers. I’m talking about estimates showing that only 5 to 15 percent of women who are sexually harassed in Read More

For the past couple of days and probably through the next couple of years, disparaging LeBron James has become something of a national pastime. If James built up any goodwill before this free-agency frenzy, he certainly seems to have squandered it now. A sampling of the World Wide Venom: Straight Bangin‘: “LeBron has committed a Read More

Bassey Ikpi on Ron Artest‘s shout-out to his therapist after the Lakers clinched the title yesterday: Shouldn’t this man be praised for getting the help that he obviously needed? Why is he being mocked and made the brunt of jokes? Was the shout out unexpected? Yes. But it should not be shamed. The amount of Read More

You guys know I don’t know anything about sports. It’s become something of a running joke among my blogmates. I think I’ve become more and more ignorant of sports as I’ve gotten older because I don’t have anyone around to force me to participate, and I wasn’t conditioned to care on my own. The only Read More

Since James Joyce botched the easy call that cost Armando Gallaraga his perfect game, the sports world has been debating the merits of incorporating instant replay into officiating. Major League Baseball has been kicking around the idea of implementing a challenge system similar to the one used in the N.F.L., in which coaches can ask Read More

Kobe + Andre 3000 = victory: Interesting that Nike’s iconic, tongue-wagging pitchman didn’t make an appearance in any of those old-school snippets. Which is appropriate for any number of reasons, but maybe not for the ones you would think. As Kobe closes in on a fifth championship ring tonight, this time against the surging Celtics, Read More

In my guest-blogging efforts over at Alyssa’s spot, I recently reflected on the oddity of seeing Ray Allen and LeBron James on the court together and how it reminded me that Spike Lee saw it all coming a long time ago. Twelve years ago, to be precise: It’s probably the best hoops movie of my Read More

I jumped out of my seat when I saw this play the other day — it looked clearly like a travel to me. A friend, who is a relative basketball novice, asked me to explain why this was a travel. LeBron clearly comes completely off the ground here — indeed, he hops a good four Read More

Last night while we were recording the next episode of the podcast (subscribe!), Joel and I got into an extended conversation about the N.B.A. Playoffs, much to the chagrin of Monica, who was in the discussion with us, and Shani who was our audio person, as it were. (As Shani is wont to say at Read More

In the end, there probably wasn’t a punishment that quite fit Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger. So the NFL probably shouldn’t have even bothered. If the legal system couldn’t figure it out, what hope do they have? Still, the league foolishly pressed forward: NFL commissioner Roger Goddell suspended Roethlisberger for six games and ordered him to Read More

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