These Are Not Serious People.

[via the League]



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • Can we clone him and send copies to every town hall in the country?

  • geo

    hahahahaha. he can be wonderful at times.

  • belleisa

    I know it’s not good to celebrate someone else’s humiliation, but….

  • ladyfresh

    i <3 barney frank

  • quadmoniker

    Yeah, I think it’s easier when that woman was clearly not in the majority there. It’s one thing to do that in Massachusetts, and it’s quite another to do that in Arkansas.

  • I expected the women he told off would be old. I know there are young and middle-aged people out there believing the lies, but I didn’t think they were showing up to the town halls.

    And yeah, Barney Frank kicks ass.

  • K.

    When he asked what planet she spends most of her time I laughed so loudly I think the neighbors could hear me. I love it LOL!