Problem Solved.


So I’m thinking that instead of bailing out Detroit, we should just give the automakers a few hundred billion dollars worth of spider drawings until they can get back on their feet.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • WTF indeed. Jane has no sense of humor.

  • Jane was like, “Fuck the bullshit: gimme my money.”

  • Hilarious. Did you read the follow ups? Someone bid $15,000 for the spider on eBay, and now ironically refuses to pay.

  • nice.

  • love the idea. i’m working on mine as we speak!!!

    or, as was offered in a very interesting blog, we make GM start building mass transit systems since it was the car companies who effectively killed them.

    but i like the spider idea!

  • I have my two-year old working on some “currency” as we speak. I’m about to be rich bitch!!! Please excuse me for the dated Chappelle reference, couldn’t resist.

  • ladyfresshh

    glory: i would think the solution is simple
    monopoly money

  • I just snorted.