Debate Open Thread: Town Hall Style.

Y’all know the drill. If you’re watching tonight’s Presidential Debate between Senators McCain and Obama at 9 pm EST, bring us your real-time observations and reactions.

Will things be any more exciting than they were in the initial debate on foreign policy a couple weeks back? Well, they certainly couldn’t get much more dull. Between this “palling around with terrorists” thing and the 25-minute Keating Five mini-documentary, maybe the candidates will finally be in the mood to get crunk on one other… in person?

Either way, have at it.


G.D. – Here with the liveblogging.

10:35- Time for the spin. What say you? Oh, best believe we’re gonna hear about this:

10:34- Hey, bumpkins: What’s a tiller? Also, HOFSTRA REPRESENT!

10:30- “What don’t you know, and how will you learn it? ” Me? I don’t know Kerry Washington’s phone number, but I’d like to learn it.

10:24- Are the mikes just props? McCain’s is sitting on his lap.

10:23– C.P. time, I know, but Jamelle is twittering the debate.

10:15-They’ve basically blown up the debate format. Judging from the e-mail they just shot Ben Smith, the McCain camp doesn’t like how this is going.

10:10– Obama says “Pah-kee-stahn.” Conservapedia says that his pronunciation of countries’ names is evidence that he’s secretly a Muslim. You can’t make this shit up.

10:02- Okay, if foreign policy is McCain’s strong suit, why aren’t his arguments more thoughtful? He brings up judgment in military leadership, which means Obama has to bring up being against the war. Which he does. This campaign has been going on so long we can safely guess what happens before it does. Make it stop!

10:00- What’s happening on CNN with the reaction-dial-line-thingies? i’m watching online and can’t see.

9:59- McCain got jokes! They’re all bad.

9:56- A strong response by Obama. He says that health care is a right, and brings up his mother’s premature death to cancer, he says he would give credits to small businesses and regulating insurance companies. He’s doing a good job of zooming in and zooming out. Brokaw says mind the time. Obama keeps going.

9:54- McCain makes a hair transplant joke. Crickets.

9:53- “Senator Obama will find you!” He’s like some suave stalker trynna stick you for your Elitist Leafy Greens.

9:48- Shorter Brokaw: “Wrap that shit up!

9:44- McCain wants nuclear power. He’s been nuclear ships, and poo-pooed that it needs to be safety. Come on, fam.

9:40- “That is not fair.” Obama says about McCain’s tax plan.  There’s also a huge gap in specifics here. McCain says, with a straight face, that we all know what the fixes for Social Security are. He doesn’t share this apparently simple wisdom with us.

9:36- Here’s a question: do people believe McCain?  I wonder if positions that would normally win for him are greeted with raised eyebrows after the torrent of lies from September.

9:31- Obama says that people can make better decisions about how they can use energy. he seems to be getting lathered up, and looks less stiff.

9:28- Brokaw asks about what Americans can do to sacrifice. McCain says spending will have to be cut across the board, except for veterans, defense and “other vital programs.”  Again, he leaves out the Medicare thing.

9:23- Brokaw asks about entitlement reform. McCain has said that he would cut Medicare funding, but he doesn’t say that here. McCain sort of telegraphing his disinterest in domestic policy; he seems to view everything through the lens of defense and foreign policy.

9:20- McCain is robotic in his responses: “Well ______, thank you for your question.” I’m surprised that McCain is playing the bipartisan card after the scorched-earth campaign he’s run. And then another jab. And another jab. Now he’s going on and on about earmarks, an issue that voters DO NOT care about.

9:18- A lady has a really hard time reading her question, but she has an impassioned hard time. Obama looks stiff.

9:16- Obama jabs back. “I gotta correct a little bit of Senator McCain’s history, not surprisingly.” He points out that he prophesied about this crisis, and he gets a subtle dig in at Rick Davis, McCain’s campaign manager, who lobbied for Fannie and Freddie. Both dodge Brokaw’s question about whether the economy is going to get worse. M

9:11- A questioner asks about how the bailout is supposed to work. He says he sounded the alarm two years ago. McCain brings up Fannie and Freddie, and links them to Obama. He says Obama took more money from Fannie and Freddie than almost anyone else.

9:06 – They start off on the economy. Both of them are hewing close to their talking points. McCain says that he would buy up all the bad mortgages and let homeowners renegotiate their mortgages, which a lot of people have called for. He says he likes Warren Buffett and Meg Whitman. Brokaw reminds them to mind the time.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • This is pretty much McCain’s last chance to stop the bleeding. He’s gonna come out swinging. Obama just has to counter well.

  • Yawn. I hope this picks up.

  • quadmoniker

    I almost can’t take the anxiety in these debates. I’m so nervous for what will happen. I wonder how people (normal people, not me) respond to Obama’s professorial style. My instinct is to say they would dislike it, but so far they respond well to him in debates. After 8 years of having their intelligence insulted, I wonder if it’s nice to have a candidate speak to them as though they’re adults.

  • quadmoniker

    This is where Obama needs to attack McCain on that ridiculous spending freeze. Also, how about simple things to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, like carpools? You’ll laugh, but by many estimates those kinds of things will reduce use of more oil than we could ever drill in Alaska.

  • Steve

    I prefer Jello nailed to the wall… has an oaky flavor

  • quadmoniker

    Does anyone else wonder if they made the people in the audience wear poker faces all night?

  • Steve: oak? if you live in the ‘jects, it tastes like asbestos.

  • QM: I *just* commented to my mom that everyone in the audience looks strangely wooden.

  • Steve

    Ingrid was kinda adorable though…

  • I’m I the only one who finds the constant “my friends..” thing that McCain is doing exasperating?

  • Ingrid had fly earrings! (Hooray for Delta having TV on the planes.)

    Obama has been really warm tonight. And his amused expression when he looks at McCain is priceless.

  • UE: that shit annoys EVERYBODY.

  • quadmoniker

    I’m a little worried about Obama’s long-windedness. Tighten it up. He’s making Brokaw mad!

  • j

    When McCain proposed a possible spending freeze on virtually every federal program except the Department of Defense, for veterans and entitlement programs, Obama very nicely countered that approach is too broad-based, saying it was the equivalent of “using a hatchet where you need a scalpel.” That’s sharp!

  • quadmoniker

    J: Yeah, he used that analogy before. In the last debate. I was impressed the first time, lol.

  • G.D.- It wouldn’t annoy me so much if he wasn’t so lispy.

  • Shani: it wouldn’t annoy me if he wasn’t so nasal. “MY FRAYNS.”

  • Steve

    Obama is doing better with the colored lines blipping up and down…

  • Steve

    honestly his robot arms bother me and I feel bad but whatever..they do..

    secondly his attempts at humor are so poor…

  • quadmoniker

    Wow, did McCain really want to open up this “judgement” question.
    Steve, yeah, he’s not making people laugh. But I wonder if that’s because they’ve all been sedated.

  • Steve

    Yea even if he WAS funny …. those people are incapable of laughter…
    Also I absolutely reject the outfit of the black male questioner from the beginning…why did he have to give us so much…

  • j

    q: my bad, i didn’t catch the first one, but if McCain can repeat nonsense in this debate, i’m sure Obama can repeat one or two good analogies.

  • Steve: It’s dead flat at times while McCain is talking.

  • Steve

    I think mccain just invokes numbness..they cant even push the button!

  • Is McCain the sedative here?

  • We need to start a “my friends” tally.

    Whenever McCain starts talking about US military presence and peace making/ keeping all I hear is static punctuated by: ….genocide…mission…american blood….force for good…freedom. Bleh.

  • I vote for a moratorium on republicans being able to use the word “holocaust”. Who’s with me?

  • Steve: jinx??

  • quadmoniker

    I’m nervous for Obama. Is anyone watching CNN? How are the voters responding? Is it ok that Obama just basically told Tom to shut up?

  • QM: It’s going okay. He’s getting positive responses for the most part. it hasn’t really dipped into negatives for either of them so far, but it flatlines for McCain all the time.

  • Steve

    McCain has been flatlining pretty much the ENTIRE debate..and Obama has hit the top aleast 5 times…

  • QM: When I was watching CNN on the plane, Obama got consistently positive responses from the all-powerful squiggly lines. McCain got fair-to-middling responses, and actually dipped below the median a few times.

  • It jumped WAY up for women voters during the question on health care when Obama said it’s a right.

  • quadmoniker

    Thanks guys. I have a hard time knowing what “the American people” think. I feel so isolated. To me, facts have a liberal bias.

  • j

    q: i’m on pbs, i think it’s ok to tell brokaw to shut up, and obama’s doing it in a respectful manner

  • I think asking whether a country is an “evil empire” is a bit much. Asking for a yes/no answer on this achieves what?

  • quadmoniker

    UE: Yeah, and I expected both of them to say “neither.” I thought Obama did a better job on foreign policy.

  • j

    did david brooks just concede on pbs, admitting that obama won this debate, he’s calm, and reassuring, comfortable to be around? you can see him as the next president?!?!?

  • ladyfresshh

    @ quadmoniker re: poker faces


    those folks are like cardboard cutouts.

    I’d be all

    =( =\ =| =) =( =\ =p

    in the background

  • Lmao @ LF!

  • ladyfresshh

    so…my friends what is our consensus?

    obama – not his best

    mccain – not his worse

    i can’t help but feel that obama at his best would be better than mccainat his best

  • The panel on 360 on CNN was saying it was a bit flat, similar to the last one and I have to agree. For two people who probably don;t like each other very much at this point there wasn’t much energy. There were jabs here and there, but then that has been Obama’s style in the past anyway – I’d be surprised to see him in a debate spewing vitriol. For what it’s worth I think Obama won, even though nothing that really changes the price of eggs was said tonight. In my opinion the high point of the debate was the disagreement on healthcare and Obama’s clear stance on that compared to McCain’s meandering.

  • Steve

    CNN overall said obama won and obama crushed mccain on the CNN poll afterward…

    the panel highlighted mccain saying “that one” referring to obama.. said it was bad.

    said mccains best moment was at the end..

    Obama stayed in room a whole half hour later talking to every single person in the room… they called it clintonesque

  • quadmoniker

    The tiller is the thing that steers a boat. You know. Like a swift boat. And because McCain’s been so steady.

  • I thought the debate was pretty lame. Neither side had a whole lot to say, and the jibes at each other were weak. I’ll be checking out to see who told the most lies last night or who spun and stretched the truth the most. I really wish Bloomberg had run as an independent. :(