…And the Pendulum Swings the Other Way.


So remember the other day how I was all worried about Obama’s bad poll numbers?  Sike! I was just playin’. The momentum has swung back to Obama, with a bunch of major polls showing him back out in front. 

It’s still the state polling numbers that really matter, though. There are a lot of states which McCain has to protect, and his 227-207 electoral vote edge last week is now down to nine. There are more ways for Obama to get to 270 — Virginia, Colorado, New Mexico — but for McCain, any chance he has ultimately rests on Ohio, where he is up, but it’s not a particularly safe lead.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • quadmoniker

    I’ve finally figured out why I care so much about this election (just a few months ago, I was telling G.D. that I was fundamentally an apolitical person). This time, this is an election between reason vs. emotion. Between “truthiness” and the gut. And reason has to win, or America doesn’t mean what I thought it meant. Maybe this has always been the case, and I was too young and disaffected to notice it before.

  • “This time, this is an election between reason vs. emotion.”

    QM, I think that is a very interesting statement. I’ve been into politics since I was a kid. But I never felt invested in politics. As I developed as a journalist, I maintained the attitude that whatever happens, there will be a great story to tell.

    This is the first election I’ve been emotionally invested in, partially because of the backstory, partially because of the soaring rhetoric, but mostly because I know without a doubt, that I’m on the right side of reason. That doesn’t prevent me from criticizing my candidate or holding him accountable for choices that seem wrong, but having abiding faith in a flawed candidate is a rather novel experience.