'Controversially Titled Blog Post'.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • GVG

    LOL. Was it purposeful that when I played the video that it kept looping Kelis’s statement about The John Lennon “Women are the niggers of the world” song?

  • I was down with the concept, but Nas is just… not as articulate as he thinks he is. They both just looked really ignorant right there. The red carpet is NOT the place.

  • Shani: what *is* the concept I’m still lost.

  • G.D. – I thought I knew, but then Nas started explaining it. Now I’m totally clueless.

  • mr. get $


  • wait.. black people cant vote after 23 years? wha?

  • Troy

    I was hoping and praying that this wasn’t just a marketing ploy for his album. How is it that dude can rap better than he speaks?

  • K.

    Unfortunately, when you’re trying to make a statement it shouldn’t go over everyone’s head. I don’t get it, Nas.

  • Troy: Right? The same is true of Common, strangely.

  • LH

    Posturing is exactly what a discussion of the so-called n-word doesn’t need. And that’s what Nas is doing: posturing. Listening to his rambling, incoherent cover all of an explanation was embarrassing. If he has a publicist, it’s s/he who should handle interviews, not Nas and certainly not Kellis.

    Nas *is* making a statement, though: the state of hip-hop is such that it takes a cheap ploy such as this to sell records–maybe.