
Don’t let Hillary Clinton’s optimism following her West Virginia win fool you: she knows it’s over. But do her supporters? If you’re riding for HRC, what you’re essentially hoping for is that the Democratic party elite install her as the nominee even though she trails by every conceivable metric. It’s a move that would be Read More

Say word. In the early, inchoate stages of PostBourgie’s existence, we used to do a lot more updating of the day-to-day goings-on in the presidential race. But, on the Democratic side, it’s been almost 16 months since Hillary Clinton formally began the presidential bid everyone expected since 1999 her conversation with America and just 15 Read More

dNa weighs in: What people want is not for Obama to denounce Wright, but to denounce black people everywhere who have the gall to be angry at America for how they are and have been treated. What they wanted Obama to say was that racism is uneqivocally a black problem, that white people have moved Read More

Okay, so the AIDS thing is a little off the deep end (though I understand where the fear comes from), but I will say this: Rev. Jeremiah Wright is right about a lot of things. Among them is that recent attacks on him are really attacks on the black church as an institution. That’s no Read More

Barack Obama’s angry denunciation of Rev. Jeremiah Wright yesterday caught a lot of people by surprise. But it hasn’t been as surprising as Wright’s Magical Media Tour (as Shani called it), which seemed to defy any sort of logic. I asked someone who works for the Obama campaign what they thought Wright was trying to Read More

(Last week he fucked around and got a triple-double.) Also, as other people who play ball may have peeped, he isn’t completely relying on the OldHead Game (which mainly consists of hitting cutters and draining long jumpers). He actually moves pretty well for a smoker in his 40’s.

Bill Richardson tells GQ why he broke with the Clintons to endorse Obama.

Look what Sinbad started. That jolly spinner of irreverent yarns attended a trip overseas to Bosnia with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton (and Sheryl Crow) and challenged Clinton’s assertion that the trip was fraught with danger.  This led to a surreal moment where a Clinton spokesperson went hard after Sinbad. We’re still reeling. But well, it Read More

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