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  • thashadow

    Is it wrong that I want a burger right now?

  • keke

    That made my stomach hurt. I will not be surprised when someone drops dead after eating at that restaurant, it’s harsh but honestly???

    Also, that closeup of the young girl eating there was troubling. I mean as an adult if that’s what you want to eat that is fine. But damn, you got your little kids eating there too!!! For real?!!

  • R.

    8000 calories!!!!

  • Yeah, that got me too. If you wanna be a perpetual adolescent and do something just because you’re not supposed to, fine. And I don’t mind people feeding burgers to their kids sometimes. But for god’s sake, don’t take your kids to a restaurant that acts like good health is a joke.

    Let alone one that’s got waitresses in nurse-porn uniforms. Jesus.

  • That is literally everything wrong with American conceptions of masculinity in a convenient five minute package.

  • geo

    the dude saying, “and they think one golden moment: i’m gonna get what i want,” is the quintessential american mentality. there’s so much wrong with this place from the mockery of good health to the minimizing of cardiovascular disease to the misogyny.