The 'Science' of Race.


Is there something in your DNA that makes you black or desi or white or Xicana? Could a drug for hypertension work only for black people ? And why are  Jamaicans such good sprinters?

The folks over at RadioLab try to sort through those questions, and what they end up with is pretty messy  (as most things with race are).



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • With all due respect, your headline reiterates the myth that there is a legitimate science of “race.” The site looks good though….I also highly recommend the pbs/newsreel website, “Race: power of an illusion” at

  • [Joke about climbing up coconut trees]

    I haven’t listened to it yet (I have a habit of saving up episodes) but I’ll try to get to it tonight.

  • Susana: Duly noted. Changed. Thanks!