Patriotism In the Heart of Not-Real America.

St. Mark’s and Avenue A in the East Village, Manhattan. Nov. 5, 2 a.m.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • ladyfresshh

    omg ya’ll i don’t think i’ve ever cried as much as i have in the last two days

  • quadmoniker

    LF: I know! I’m so emotionally exhausted. It hasn’t stopped since I saw the video of Jesse Jackson crying.

  • You know? I keep having these completely random, 6-second weeping fits, and then it’s like — “okay, back to lifting weights!”

    *busts a cap*

    Damn, my mutinous emotions!

  • LB

    yeah, it still hasn’t hit me yet. maybe I’ll wake up in a fit at 3am 5 days from now. that is a pretty amazing scene though!


  • Beautiful. I feel like the last two years have finally caught up with me. I’ve cried more than a few times, but I fully expect to bawl on Jan. 20.

  • lemu

    yea, i can’t front. there have been a few short weeping sessions, and then i quickly realize I’m on a packed A train. So I pull it together.