A Bad Guy With Good Positions.

Megan goes in on Rep. Jim Moran, Democrat from Virginia.

Jim Moran is a wife-smacking, bribe-taking, black child-shaking anti-Semite that has earned the protection of the local Democratic party as well as many prominent, national Democratic women like Donna Brazile and Patricia Ireland in exchange for voting the “right” way. He gets to be the antithesis of a feminist and to live his personal life in opposition to every supposed ideal of the Democratic party because he’d never vote for a ban on partial-birth abortion or a Constitutional amendment on same sex marriage. Well, great. This “my guy because he’s my party” bullshit that I decried yesterday when it came wrapped in the form of National Review Online editor Katherine Jean Lopez is equally abhorrent when practiced by people that I agree with politically and even admire. And if this year, with the Democrats poised to strengthen their majority in the House isn’t the year that the feminists — let alone the women — of the Democratic Party are going to be willing to dump this guy (and the other guys like him) or support a primary opponent, then when will it be the year? Why does he get a pass for wife beating — because of Roe v. Wade? Fuck that. Roe isn’t getting overturned by a House member, and I’m not voting for a guy that gets away with domestic violence just because he votes for laws to send other men to prison for it. I might find it disturbing that Mark Ellmore’s site features a picture of him campaigning with Fred Thompson, but I’m way less disturbed by that then anything Jim Moran’s done to women while voting for legislation for us.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • scott

    Why the sudden righteous indignation? Have folks not been paying attention to Moran for the last 20 odd years?