Taking Joe the Plumber to Task on Fox News.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • quadmoniker

    I am glad that, when Joe admitted that his voicing his own opinions based on what is obviously limited information could be dangerous, the anchor asked him why he was doing it. I just wish Fox news would ask itself that question. Why continue to give the man a platform?

  • rakia

    I also wonder why Joe W. keeps getting interviewed.

    Also, I have to say that I’m a little impressed with Fox for even airing this.

  • quadmoniker

    Rakia: I don’t know, I’m cynical. I think they want to continue to give him a platform. They can make it clear, if they want, that some of the things he says are at odds with the facts. It lets them make excuses afterward. But they continue to send his voice out to millions of viewers for a reason. It gives people an excuse to feel the way Joe feels simply because Joe feels that way. Joe keeps telling people to go out and “look for their own” reasons, but he’s not telling them the facts might lead them to a different conclusion. And though Fox questioned him on that, they still let him say it, over and over. They are responsible for what he says.