If The Shoes Fit.

Senator Obama was doing press interviews by telephone in a holding room between events. Sometime later as he was getting ready to begin his event, he asked me if I was photographing his shoes. When I said yes, he told me that he had already had them resoled once since he entered the race a year earlier. Providence, R.I., 3/1/2008.

Senator Obama was doing press interviews by telephone in a holding room between events. Sometime later as he was getting ready to begin his event, he asked me if I was photographing his shoes. When I said yes, he told me that he had already had them resoled once since he entered the race a year earlier. Providence, R.I., 3/1/2008.

[Via Sullivan]

We could obviously go back and forth all day comparing candidates and their expenditures, and not get anywhere. I like this picture because it shows Barack at work, and the mileage his shoes have accumulated. I also love that there’s a random copy of The Audacity of Hope on the table.

Update: more shots from the same photographer.

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  • speedmeisterp

    Wow, thanks for the post. The picture says it all.

  • ladyfresshh

    great perspective

  • I like this picture because it shows Barack at work
    if anyone want to buy obama shoes ,please see this website :http://shoes.hoodie.cn
