Flaggin' them Molecules ('cuz They Fungible).

We were looking for more excuses to put our ‘WTF?’ tag to use.  Hmmm. Methinks  we should just start tagging any entries on Sarah Palin ‘WTF?’ Case in point:

Uh, what in the damn?



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • quadmoniker

    I can see fungible from my house.

  • LH

    Is it really so hard to at least sound like you know what you’re talking about?

  • This made me have a few thoughts:
    1) That was terribly confusing
    2) I don’t know what fungible means,maybe that’s why I’m confused
    3) Okay so now I know the meaning…why am I *more* confused than when I began?


  • Big Word

    Anyone else ever notice the folks in the crowd who roll their eyes whenever this chick starts speaking?

  • BW: I doubt it. She’s the reason any one is there.

  • Ok, I finally looked up fungible. Based on Hilzoy’s analysis of this jumbled mess of words, I think Palin’s 1/4 right.

    Cuz, if we sell oil and coal to Canada, and they sell some of it back to us (which, what?), then it IS fungible. No?

    That still completely undermines her ‘point,’ tho.