Sarah Palin is Unqualified.

I will say this: she knows how to stick to her talking points. To a point where it becomes clear she doesn’t actually know what she’s talking about.

I’m not sure what else there is to say.

Update: Publius at Obsidian Wings lets us know the emperor-to-be is naked.

But the point is not so much the answers, but the more general ignorance (not lack of intelligence) on display tonight. It reveals that she’s never really thought about any of this stuff — she’s never engaged it at the level that presidents should have engaged it.


But even beyond the specifics, the entire interview was like watching a bad actor spit out memorized lines that she had learned only a few nights ago. You could almost hear her mental gears grinding, trying to retrieve the talking points and forcing them into her answers. Nothing came from her — or if it did, she certainly fooled me. Reagan and Clinton — governors both — would never have appeared that ignorant, largely because they weren’t. They were engaged with the issues of their day and wrestled with them intellectually. Today’s interview reflected an unprepared, uninformed person cast into the spotlight far before her time.

And that’s what’s so absurd about the whole thing. The Palin selection is, above all else, a reflection on John McCain’s willingness to let the country be run by an unvetted and woefully unprepared person. And if she’s that uninformed, it means that someone else will effectively be running the country if she’s president — just like Bush and Cheney. Who would that be? No idea, but I’ll go with the odds and guess “a Kagan.” I actually have a decent sense of what a McCain or Biden or Obama foreign policy would look like. I have no idea what Palin would do — or whom she would listen to.

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  • rakia

    This was uncomfortable on every level. I felt like I was watching someone bomb an oral exam. Gibson was fair and professional, and he actually had to coach her through some of the questions b/c she didn’t understand what he was asking. This interview highlights how unprepared and grossly underqualified she is.

    What we’re seeing here is the bloom fall off the rose in slow motion.

  • LH

    There’s a part of me that felt sorry for Palin. I don’t think she even able to grasp what she’s gotten herself into. I mean, anytime you can’t regurgitate a Bush doctrine …

  • slb

    m’man said, “wait a minute. i’m getting lost in a blizzard of words here…. is that a ‘yes?'”


  • ladyfresshh

    I have zero sympathy for this woman.

    This election has turned into an insult to my intelligence.

    The woman clearly lacks the mental acuity the position requires.

  • slb- lol, that was almost the title of this post. Charlie seemed a little flummoxed by her ignorance.

  • ladyfresshh

    Ladies that was the nicest way of saying ‘You’re talking shit’ I’ve heard.

  • To be fair, the definition of the “Bush Doctrine” has changed quite a bit over the years; it wasn’t always ‘pre-emptive war.’

    And as an unnamed Democrat told Ben Smith, “the real problem with her answer may be that while she didn’t know what it was, her instinct was to embrace it because it was associated with Bush.”

  • G.D., she gave no indication that she was aware of any of the various definitions of the Bush Doctrine.

    She could have easily shown up Gibson by asking him which definition of the Bush Doctrine he was referring to. She didn’t, because she doesn’t know anything about the Bush Doctrine in any incarnation.

  • slb

    Yeah, G.D. shani-o’s right; of all the responses that would’ve suggested some semblance of comprehension, Palin went with “… his world view?”

    It reminded me the Q & A portion of Miss America, when you’re not allowed to have the host *repeat* the question and it’s obvious you’re totally lost but have to come up with *something*–anything!–to garner the judges’ favor.

    She may has well have gone all Gracie Lou Freebush, gotten teary, and confided, “I really do want world peace.”

  • LH

    To piggyback, even after Gibson read the doctrine Palin was still lost in space. So, not only was she unfamiliar (read: didn’t know), but she wasn’t quick enough to distill what Gibson said and respond.

  • ladyfresshh

    …so G.D. Gibson was more than fair to a quite open ended question, which she still mangled horribly even after prompting.

  • quadmoniker

    I don’t know, I heard callers on the Brian Lehrer show this morning say that they thought Gibson was unfair. Good luck to them, trying to convince the world that ole Charlie is mean.

    But Lehrer had a good point in that the awful Bush doctrine question did require a follow up: she said the U.S. could protect itself from an imminent attack. But what does imminent mean? Everyone agrees that if there’s a missile pointed at us, we should stop it. But Bush knew Iraq didn’t have a missile pointed at us. He just had an idea that they might have missiles. What imminent means is the question.

  • Blad_Rnr

    I thought McCain was running against Obama! I guess not.

    Geez, I guess there is no love anymore in this country. She’s the governor of a state in the U.S. and somehow because she doesn’t have the polish of a Washington politician, let’s toss her aside. Yep, that’s the good old U.S. of A. Never give anyone a chance once you know what their politics are and they don’t agree with yours. That’s open season to demean them and be angry about her. Nice.

    How about instead you just say, “I know she’s trying her best, but she lacks some things. I don’t agree with her comments, but it’s nice to see a woman get a chance.”

    You know what? Hate never gets us anywhere. I think that’s why Jesus said to love our enemies. Severely lacking right now in this country.

  • Blad_Rnr: If McCain is elected, he will have a one in six (or seven) chance of dying in office. That means that there is a significant chance that Sarah Palin will become president of the United States. And the first time she says something without a teleprompter — her speech at the RNC was written mostly before she was even selected — she lays an egg.

    “How about instead you just say, “I know she’s trying her best, but she lacks some things. I don’t agree with her comments, but it’s nice to see a woman get a chance.”

    If this were just about giving a woman a chance on the merits of her accomplishments, why didn’t McCain pick one of the many Republican women who are stronger on any of these issues than Palin (off the top of my head: Condi Rice, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Christine Todd Whitman)? Because he wasn’t going for governing expertise, he was going for what Peggy Noonan, who is supposedly a supporter of his, call “narrative bullshit.”

    And did you see her RNC acceptance speech? Are you really saying that she gets to throw jabs and distort the truth but has to be treated with kid gloves in response?

  • ladyfresshh

    Blad_Rnr – McCain IS running against Obama there is no doubt there. This is still not a reason to make a mockery of the VP position by selecting a buffoon as you’re runningmate to obtain votes.

    There plenty of love in the country but hopefully the last fools went by the way of Bush. Observing Palin’s antics over the past week it’s not looking like it. No one is interested in polish, persay but the glimmerings of intelligence yes, dignity certainly, mental faculties that can assess and address the issues of the United States on a worldwide stage at this point should be down pat.

    We have already given someone a ‘try’ and 8 years later the country is in such a bad state they will not even be associated with their own president.

    Note clearly, she does not lack SOME things. she lack MOST things required for this office. I’;d be happy to pat her on her head and send her on her way but unfortunately she is in a position to majorly damage a country which i care about.

    I’d love for her to find another position to run for. I’d hate to have another 8 years of screw ups. I’d love to be proud of this country for not screwing up yet another election.

  • LF: she gotta be a buffoon, tho? she doesn’t have the glimmerings of intelligence? I think that’s a stretch. It’s perfectly possible for her to be savvy and bright and be completely out of her depth here (which I think is the case).

  • “Never give anyone a chance once you know what their politics are and they don’t agree with yours.”

    It’s fine that our politics don’t agree. Not everyone on this blog has the same politics.

    I find her to be completely ridiculous, and I’ve yet to find someone who can tell me why I should take her seriously as a candidate for Vice President of the United States of America.

  • quadmoniker

    Blad_Rnr: Many commentators have described the most disturbing thing about the interview in ways better than I’ve can. She was clearly beyond her depth, and, to me, someone with even a passing interest in foreign affairs would be better able to go beyond her talking points. But rather than having the McCain campaign admit that she’s no expert in foreign affairs but that her strengths lie elsewhere, they keep trying to sell her alleged foreign policy experience. That experience seems to be a willingness to display an unwavering confidence in one’s actions despite the fact they have more to learn. And you know, I’ve had enough of presidents who rule from the gut.

    Also, ‘trying her best?’ Sorry. That’s what we do in spelling bees and little league. Leading is what we do when we’re running to help run the country. She quipped in her speech that a campaign for president shouldn’t be a journey of personal discovery. It shouldn’t be an aw-shucks, next-time-you’ll-get-it learning experience either.

  • Blad_Rnr

    You all still miss my point: we demean people when we don’t agree with them in politics, and a lot of other areas these days. She has been a VP candidate for a whole two weeks. She has to be perfect? Maybe we need LESS polish, as defined by our political system, and more honesty and truthfulness. I’m not saying she is perfect, and it’s a very serious position she has been asked to fill. No doubt. But in two weeks and one bad interview we throw her to the curb? Somehow I feel like her position on abortion has already sealed her fate with many women, even before this interview.

    And how many of you are governor of your state? That’s a pretty serious position, IMHO. Once again, why can’t we see her as an American first, and with a little love. If you don’t want to vote for her, fine. But why be so hostile about it? Do you think your hostility is going to swing anyone to vote with you come November?

  • Blad_Rnr

    @ shani-o

    I was not speaking of my politics. I was speaking of people who dislike others because their politics don’t match. Elections should be about choosing who the best candidate is, not beating up the candidates because you disagree with them. There seems to be more bashing of the opposing view rather than why a certain candidate is the best for the job.

    “I find her to be completely ridiculous.” How so?

  • quadmoniker

    Blad_Rnr: It wasn’t one bad interview, it was her ONE interview. The McCain campaign had not consented to interviews before this one, and no one was really hiding the fact that it was so they could coach her. Are you really trying to say that her stumbled rehearsal of prepared answers represents more honesty?

    Of course she is an American, no one is arguing with that. But no, we don’t owe her blind love and respect, not in a democracy. I don’t think everyone on this board is being hostile, and no one is demeaning her in the literal sense of the word. And of course none of us is a governor, but what is that schoolyard kind of logic? None of us is running for vice president. But there are 49 other governors and many other former governors, some of them women, that McCain could have chosen who would have had a better working knowledge of the issues Gibson questioned her about. Questioning that choice, questioning the reasons why she would give such a bad interview, those are the things we do when we prepare to vote.

  • Blad_Rnr

    @ G.D.
    Let’s be honest. Who is perfectly telling the truth in this election?;-( No one. Politics has never been about the truth. If someone said Obama always told the truth…well, good luck with that. Same for McCain, Palin and Biden. It’s Washington, and we all know what that’s about.

    I see your points, and I agree that McCain is very old and has had issues with cancer. It does put her in a very precarious position if they are elected.

    But I didn’t say anything about jabs. All I asked for was a sense of respect for others instead of taking potshots at ANYONE who is running for office. It demeans the whole process and in the end, well, we get what we deserve.

  • quadmoniker

    Blad_Rnr; It doesn’t put her in a precarious position if McCain is elected and gets sick; it puts her, unequivocally, in the position of president. We are the ones in the precarious position. Hence the criticism, and the hope that McCain does not win.

  • Blad_Rnr


    I agree. My only point is that she IS a governor. Give her some credit or call those who voted for her in Alaska ridiculous :-)

    But we do owe her blind love, and McCain and Biden and Obama. Aren’t we supposed to love one another? We are all Americans here. If we don’t love one another, then we have truly fallen down as a society.

    Loving someone is tough. I mean, it’s really tough. I think it’s the hardest thing to do as a human being.

    Especially in an election year:-)

  • Blad_Rnr

    My apologies to all. This is my first visit to this site. I was only trying to share the love that we Americans desperately need more than anything else in this country.

    I’ll leave now.

  • Blad_Rnr:

    Yeah, let’s be honest. You’re saying that politicians occasionally distort the truth. But here’s a question for you: can you name one thing she’s said about her political history since she’s been on the national stage that’s been true? About the ‘Bridge to Nowhere’ or the earmarks she allegedly deeply despises? About her supposed foreign policy credentials? Troopergate? Hell, even the McCain camp didn’t know about her daughter’s pregnancy, the revelation of which overshadowed the first days of the party’s convention.

    Onto your other point: she’s running for a position that would give her enormous weight in the direction of American policy — policy which she seems to have little understanding. It’s not mean or disrespectful to point that out.

    ‘She’s trying her best’? Come on. Can we be adults here? This is real life. We’re fighting two wars, the economy is sluggish and we’re quickly shifting from a unipolar world to a multipolar one. And she can’t give an answer on what to do about any of those things that isn’t a talking point.

    Were you impressed by this interview?

  • Blad_Rnr, I wasn’t talking about your poltiics either. I was talking about the fact that it’s not her politics that make her a target. There are, believe it or not, Republicans who are not vilified in liberal and progressive circles.

    A short list of reasons why I find Sarah Palin, and her candidacy, to be worthy of ridicule:

    1) She’s suing the federal government for putting polar bears on the endangered species list, ostensibly because she questions the science behind it. However, Palin is rather anti-science, so I wonder if there’s really any reasoning there, other than it’ll get in the way of oil development.

    2) She lies. A lot. And not even about things that can’t be checked. Like the Bridge to Nowhere and selling the state plane on eBay.

    3) She gives a speech in which she pulls no punches, but then hides from the press because they’re elitist and might ask her questions that are tough to answer. 3a) She’s the governor of a state and she can’t handle a press conference or a tough interview?

    4) The rape kit thing.

    5) She thinks drilling in the ANWR makes sense, even though results of that won’t be seen for 10 years.

    6) She doesn’t think rape or incest are valid reasons for an abortion (something you mentioned), and she praises her daughter’s choice to keep her child, even as she believes that same choice should be taken from others.

    7) She has never met a head of state, and didn’t have a passport until two years ago.

    8 ) She thinks the fact that you can see Russia from an island in Alaska is a salient point to make in a discussion of her foreign policy experience.

    9) She’s stonewalling the trooper-firing ethics investigation and is refusing to testify during a political election. If she has nothing to hide, then why not be transparent, especially since we know next to nothing about her?

    10) As mayor of Wasilla, she asked about BANNING BOOKS. How is that not ridiculous?

    I have other reasons why her pick reflects poorly on McCain, the person we’re actually electing, but I’ll spare you.

  • quadmoniker

    “My apologies to all. This is my first visit to this site. I was only trying to share the love that we Americans desperately need more than anything else in this country.
    I’ll leave now.”

    Blad_Rnr: You don’t have to leave. We like to argue on this site. It’s not personal, and we argue sometimes with people with whom we agree most of the time. But if you’re going to say something, expect to have to defend it. :)

  • ladyfresshh

    G.D. – frankly no and i’m pretty balanced about these things, i’m still pulling for hillary, condi is saavy and bright (while i dislike her politics)

    saavy and bright for say an entertainer? sure

    saavy and bright for a politician? most certainly not.

    Blad_Rnr – you seem to want to hold citizens to a standard that you don’t want to hold your politicians, how can you vote for someone who obviously does not behave with the values you are putting forth. Palin’s speech at the convention certainly demeaned community activists as well as her opponents. To get a certain type of treatment from me you have to at the very least conduct yourself in the same manner she has not and set herself up for her own fall majorly.

  • ladyfresshh

    Blad_Rnr – i just noticed your sign off. apologies if my typing has scared you off. normally i can be a ironic, slightly cynical, genial and not quite so heavy handed at all times type of person.

    unfortunately you have caught me at my breaking point with these candidates and their shenanigans

    maybe from here on in i’ll just exclaim shenanigans! as a release
    doesn’t seem harsh and expresses my feelings at the same time.
