In Wasilla, Charging Rape Victims for Rape Kits.

(photo used under Creative Commons license from Wikipedia )

In 2000, Gov. Tony Knowles of Alaska passed a law that would prohibit victims of sexual assault from being billed for the cost of their rape kits, the tests used to collect forensic evidence from the bodies of rape survivors.

But the police chief of Wasilla, AK opposed the plan, saying the proposal would shift the cost of the testing onto taxpayers. Sarah Palin was in her second term as mayor of Wasilla at the time.

While the Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies have covered the cost of exams, which cost between $300 to $1,200 apiece, the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests.

Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon does not agree with the new legislation, saying the law will require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams.

In the past weve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible. I just dont want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer, Fannon said.

According to Fannon, the new law will cost the Wasilla Police Department approximately $5,000 to $14,000 a year to collect evidence for sexual assault cases.

When I first heard this, i was shocked. But I’ve calmed down a little. We don’t know exactly how much power Palin wielded over police department policy or how knowledgeable she was about how it used its budget in these matters.

Still…wtf, Charles Fannon?

[hat-tip Dr. Bitch]



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • Grump

    What’s a bigger burden on taxpayers in AK: paying for rape kits or building a bridge to nowhere?

  • Grump: actually, if you wanna go there… the rape kits would be the bigger burden to taxpayers in AK; the cost of the Bridge was gonna be paid for using federal dollars. Also, the bridge was later in the game.

    *nerd snort*

  • Grump

    you win on this, sir….