But Really, It's An Honor Just to Be Nominated.

We just found out that we’re finalists for “Best Political/News Blog” in the 2008 Black Weblog Awards! We have to buy dinner for all of you who voted for us*, but it ain’t over yet! There’s still voting to be done, so go here and vote for us. Voting closes on the Aug. 31 (unless you live in Florida, where Katherine Harris has made it her mission to see us fail) and we will be reminding you not-so-subtly until then.

Also, we’d be remiss in not shouting out our homie Thembi, a finalist in the “Blog To Watch” category. And, not surprisingly, Jay Smooth over at IllDoctrine was nominated for “Best Video Blog.”

*Let’s figure out how many ways a 20-piece McNugget meal can be split. Large fries for my fellow vegetarians. Oh, and BYOB.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • ladyfresshh

    I’d like a whole nugget to myself please, thankee. (btw this is no way lends support to the evil entity of consumerism represented in the megafranchise that is MickeyD*)

    *McDonald scholarships, job placement opportunities and charitable contributions have been noted**

    **anyone notice their olympic sponsorship? who bought that those athletes eat mcdonalds?

  • I totally buy that Michael Phelps might fuck with Mickey D’s hard.

    From the BBC:

    Breakfast: Three fried egg sandwiches; cheese; tomatoes; lettuce; fried onions; mayonnaise; three chocolate-chip pancakes; five-egg omelette; three sugar-coated slices of French toast; bowl of grits; two cups of coffee

    Lunch: Half-kilogram (one pound) of enriched pasta; two large ham and cheese sandwiches with mayonnaise on white bread; energy drinks
    Dinner: Half-kilogram of pasta, with carbonara sauce; large pizza; energy drinks

    That combination may not sound very healthy, and at a staggering 10,000 calories, would feed five average men for a day.

    But the menu is reportedly all in a training day’s eating for champion swimmer Michael Phelps, who won six gold medals in the 2004 Athens Olympics and is aiming for eight this time round.

    “Eat, sleep and swim, that’s all I can do,” said the US swimmer, after winning his 11th Olympic gold.

    I don’t think it’s an accident that he doesn’t say that he, you know, shits.

  • Also, his teammate Ryan Lochte is down with the Imperial Arches.

    Nutrition’s probably the last thing I worry about,” Lochte said. “It’s probably my downfall. I’ve been eating McDonald’s almost every meal here.”

  • ladyfresshh


  • LH

    Congratulations to PostBourgie. Well deserved.

  • OMG, I have to vote in *every category*? Jeez….

  • soltrane

    love the blog. do you mind if I link to it?

  • BPD: it’s a little, erm, unwieldy.

    soltrane: we’d like that very much.

  • verdeluz

    o, that online voting were like real life voting, where all it takes to vote for a bunch of people you don’t know anything about is a single punch of a chad.

    this means we like you, we really like you.

  • Aisha

    So I went to vote and it’s so silly that you have to vote for all 30 categories. So I voted for the ones I knew and randomly selected the rest. 30 categories is way too many if you have to vote for them all. I’m ranting here because I didn’t see a place to rant on their site.