Jay Smooth: A Beginner's Guide to "No Homo."

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Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • I love Jay Smooth, great. And yeah he’s right… “no homo” is type old. Use sparingly.

  • LH

    No homo exists in that murky space between satire and compensation … but used judiciously, it’s hella funny.

  • Ugh. I haaaaate it. It’s so annoying. And it’s gotten to a point where I’ve heard women use it unironically. I REFUSE to compliment another woman on her makeup or her dress and then add, “no homo.”

    I had a (straight) friend in college who used to say “no hetero” all the time, because he thought “no homo” was ridiculous.

  • yep. never used the term, never plan to. i think its a sad commentary on black masculinity when other hetero men feel like they have to keep reaffirming their straightness. There is a similar dynamic in Jamaica, we say “a nuh lean talk” ie, its not “leaning” talk i am saying, its straight talk.

    posting this on my blog too! feelin your blog here, voted for you in the Black Weblog joint. i do wish that the choices for Blog of the Year were a bit more substantial than celebrity gossip and stuff. bless


  • Thank you so much, richard.