KeKe Palmer Makes Us Cry.

I caught this trailer yesterday at the movies, and an infinitesimal tear welled up in my eye.* Yes, it looks unabashedly corny and hits all the familiar dramatic notes, but damn it if KeKe Palmer ain’t done it again.

Why must we cry? That’s a good question. Did anyone see Akeelah and the Bee? It sucked. But our heartstrings were plucked, nonetheless.** These types of movies are Palmer’s stock in trade: a plucky, gifted kid with no daddy overcomes long odds to be the best Odd Negro she can be. So you know, it sorta hits home for us here at PostBourgie.

Speaking of hitting home, though: Palmer bears a more-than-passing resemblance to my illustrious co-blogger, Stacia.

An IM from quadmoniker, our regular contrib:

1. yes, she totally looks like stacia

2. that movie does not look good

3. i still cried a little bit


it’s funny you should say that.

I was watching this movie, “Cleaner,” the other day

and i thought the same thing

“that little girl is starting to remind me of me.”

i think i almost cried when i watched akeelah too

that little girl totally gets to me. lol.

also: i will so go see this ridiculous movie.***

See? Resisting Young Ke is futile.

*I immediately grabbed a basketball and started crossing people over in the aisles to prove to these fools in the theater that I AIN’T SOFT!

**That time I had to bust a cap. It was in Brooklyn, so the gully threshold was a little higher.

***Fred Durst directed this movie. Yes, THAT Fred Durst.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • Football: Saving black people from their miserable existences since 1902.

  • KeKe Palmer is stunning. And she was wonderfully subtle in “Jump In!” Disney’s film about a young boxer — curly haired Corbin Bleu — who discovers that his true passion is professional double dutch, of course.

    AND KeKe (sorta) sings! She made a contribution to the soundtrack for “Jump In!”

  • Tasha

    i’m seeing it, i don’t care, i’m bringing a box of puffs and bawlin my eyes out

  • GVG


    I’m taking my ball and going home!

  • Steve

    FRED DURST?! ……….

  • Was “Jump In!” actually any good at all? I sorta kinda wanna get it for PK, because it *looks* all feminist and shit, but I fear that it’ll be godawful.

  • LOL@Shanio–where would us negroes be without our sports? (said in my best pre-civil war Kentucky accent)

    I like Cube and all, but damn! He never changes it up. No dialect coach, no acting coach, same baggy clothes…same Cube different movie.

    I liked Akeelah and the Bee, but the white writer and director kind of made me uncomfortable. I didn’t want them to say that.

    I like KeKe. I’m glad she didn’t go the corny Disney Channel show route. All the kids act the same on there, I don’t let my daughter watch it much. She’s seen Raven only two or three times.

  • Grump

    Football: Helping male negroes vent their frustrations since Paul Robeson went to Rutgers!

  • bitchphd- Like most Disney Channel movies, “Jump In!” has a nice dose of “you can do anything you want to do!” And the acting, particularly KeKe’s and Corbin’s father’s, is pretty good. I’d recommend it for both boys and girls. And even the light romance is wholesome (no kissing) without being sappy.

  • You had me until Fred Durst.

    For that…this gets Netflixed.

    Nah..if the boys are down, Ill go….but not until after opening weekend.

  • Keke is Oscar potential! Don’t sleep on Keke’s acting chops!

  • Shanio, thanks.

  • I’m a sucker – and not ashamed. I’ll watch it and demand all parents make their kids watch wholesome inspring movies featuring Kids doing amazing and positive things.