'Be Afraid Because They Might Be Black.'

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So we all pretty much expect the attacks on Barack Obama are probably going to be desperate attempts to paint him as crypto-muslim or tie him to some other easily debunked myth that is clearly really a stand-in for race.

Conservatives have been going to the well of coded bigotry for forty years now to stir up electoral support, and it’s just about dry. They seem disinclined to try and find another approach, even as their accusations and warnings become more and more cartoonish.

(Also, apropos of absolutely nothing…George Herbert Walker Bush and Anna Kournikova, getting their terrorist fist-jab on.)



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • K.

    *sigh* So now that they know Americans are willing to vote for a Black man, they must do everything they can to find SOMETHING, anything to push him further into the ‘other/non-American’ box. Anyone falling for it is, well, retarded.