Wait. What?

This is mind-bendingly awful.

Can you imagine how this pitch went?

Kourtney: “Hey! Let’s be, like, topical.”
Kim: “Yeah, let’s totally play with public perception of me as a vapid bimbo! I could say, like, smart stuff!”
Kourtney: *SQUEAAAAALS!*


(But also? Wow. Good googly moogly, that thang look juicy!)



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • universeexpanding

    I just came in here to hate.
    *refuses to believe it’s real*

  • Big Word

    It should be against the law to be that fine. I’m so in lust I watch that her show and feel like I’m cheating. TMI? Yeah, but I just had to get that off my chest.

  • emilybemily

    It’s nice to know that an organization that is fighting a good fight still finds time to portray women in such a cliche and chauvinistic way…

  • Aisha

    Wait. What?

  • Tasha

    I’m not clicking that.
    You can’t make me.