
Even though we usually agree with Keith Olbermann when he drops these bombs, they tend toward the long-winded/preachy.

(10 minutes? Gotdamn.)



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • Tanya

    Yeah, dude was intense. He had a point though. What the hell is Hillary doing? She’s running her campaign and image into the ground.

  • lemu

    He was doing his best Edward Murrow preaching down from up on high, impression.

    And to think, this is a former sportscenter anchor. Kudos to him.

  • The definition of ether

  • Lemu: I like the two cats on SC now, but Patrick/Olbermann/Kilborn/Mayne? It was more fun to watch SportsCenter than to watch the games a lot of times.

  • ari

    He was right on the merits, I think. But goodness gracious did he go on for a long time. And the tone? So sanctimonious that it made my teeth hurt.

  • R.

    this guy can get quite intense when he gets all fired up. good stuff.