Oh, Race In America! You Hilarious Third Rail!

A friend of mine is of the opinion that humor that tweaks race/racism usually misses the mark, audiences end up laughing for the wrong reasons.

She’s not a fan of Dave Chapelle, as you might imagine. Oh, and she probably won’t be reading this book by Dave Means, either.

Who do you imagine will buy — and enjoy — this book?
Well, I hope no one takes it too seriously, but I think it’ll appeal to people who can see the absurdity in actually believing a stereotype like “all black people are lazy” or “all Jews are greedy.” I mean, come on, it’s like 60 percent tops.

Another friend of mine has done a lot of her postgraduate work on race and humor. Since she got all that fancy book-learnin’, I wonder if she could explain to me Lisa Lampanelli’s appeal.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • lisa lampanelli apparently loves black penises. given america’s obsession with them.. maybe that’s the draw? i have zero idea. also, she looks like the crazed snowman from that one old school stop-motion animation christmas special.