Melissa Harris-Lacewell to Black People: "Rally for [Obama] Now"

Uh, did we learn nothing from that rightly criticized op-ed by Gloria Steinem asking women to vote for Hillary Clinton?

I know that many black Americans are discouraged and worry that New Hampshire’s results mean that America is not ready for a black president. What I know for sure is that if black Americans are going to be relevant to American elections, they must rally behind Obama now. Most white voters who indicated an Obama preference in New Hampshire were sincere and enduring in their support. Obama is the most viable black candidate in American history. Tens of thousands of white voters are in the Obama coalition for the long haul. Black Americans can now demonstrate their electoral power by making this a winning coalition. Starting with South Carolina, black America will have a chance to throw its full enthusiastic weight behind Obama.

A lot of this doesn’t sit well with me. I get the historical significance of Obama’s run. But arguing for Obama via racial solidarity is maddening due to the implications of choosing to not vote for him. Harris-Lacewell’s formulation doesn’t leave room for black folks with legitimate reservations about this dude, and I’m sure there are many.

Rally for Him Now: How Black America Can Revive Obama’s Campaign. [Slate.]



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.