Huckabee Wins Iowa. WTF?

You didn’t know the Republican field was a mess? Try this: Mike Huckabee is the G.O.P. frontrunner, and it wasn’t close.

A few months ago he was in Brownback/Tancredo territory, and he was wildly outspent by Mitt Romney.

Huckabee : Howard Dean :: Fred Thompson : John Kerry.

Romney, the paper-est of tigers, did his weird, insultingly insincere Romney thing in conceding to Huckabee, but I hope that deep down in his caffeine-free, plastic soul, he’s salty as hell. Good.

Some of you were joined by people from all over the country that came in to help us in this campaign. You have so inspired us. You so moved us. We will always remember our dear friends here in Iowa. And I’m planning on coming back in the general election, when we take on whoever it is the Democrats nominate, and beat them.

Okay, chief.

Improbably, all this chaos is very good news for John McCain, who was leading Romney in New Hampshire before Romney’s loss in Iowa. A McCain win in New Hampshire — which McCain won handily eight years ago — shakes up the field even more.

Ugh. My head hurts.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.