
After murking Hillary Clinton in Tuesday’s primaries, The New York Times is reporting that Democrats are saying Barack Obama’s lead among delegates may be too much for Hillary to make up, even if she takes Ohio and Texas in March and Pennsylvania in April. Clinton has been calling for the DNC, helmed by Howard Dean, Read More

Slate‘s David Plotz once compared going to see Barack Obama speak live as a religious experience. This would explain why talking to some Obama supporters is like talking to pushy born-again believers who desperately want you to know hear the good news. Fam, we get it: you’re fired up and ready to go. Now please Read More

A friend of mine sent me an e-mail chain about this ad, wherein some of the respondents were openly emotional. One person said it made them cry. It’s certainly aimed at young people, and its staggering spectrum of celebrity — seriously, Kanye West or Joey Fatone could have been in this ad and neither would Read More

When Tom Bradley first ran for mayor of Los Angeles, he had to contend with white voters’ real apprehension about casting a ballot for a black man. As Seth Greenfield, a writer who worked on Bradley’s mayoral bid says, that meant addressing that fear directly in campaign ads.

As Barack Obama pointed out last week before he molly-whopped Hillary Clinton in S.C., her supporters would likely vote for him if he got the Democratic nomination, but because Clinton rubs a lot of people the wrong way, there’s a real possibility that the opposite just ain’t true. The celebrity-filled audience at last night’s Democratic Read More

Because they are both firsts, I’m afraid we might be holding Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton to impossible ideals. Both possibilities come shamefully late. But, unless the impossible happens they decide to run together, we only get to choose one. When Barack Obama gave his victory speech after winning the Iowa caucuses, he was, almost Read More

Ralph Nader — activist, flamethrower and depending on whom you ask, the guy who cost Al Gore the White House in 2000 — is mulling yet another White House bid. No, for real. He has harsh words for the leading Democratic candidates, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama, chastising them for failing to advance Read More

A few days after Caroline Kennedy and Ted Kennedy threw their endorsements behind Barack Obama, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Kerry Kennedy came out on Hillary’s side in an op-ed with the Los Angeles Times. The loftiest poetry will not solve these issues. We need a president willing to engage in a Read More

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