Women Archives

Via Instaboner, I’ve discovered that Ebony’s back issues are scanned and available online. Before you excoriate me for sending you to a magazine that is basically a brown-washed People, take a moment to think about the full import of this. Ebony from the 60s. Ebony from the 70s. All online. Reasons why this is awesome: Read More

In graduate school, I had to attend a series of talks from magazine editors and one* of them, from Harper’s, faced a tough question from a friend of mine who asked a lot of tough questions of our guests. She read through the masthead’s list of all-male, mostly Anglo-sounding names and asked, “Where’s the diversity?” Read More

From the New York Times, we have a gift guide just for women of color. It includes nail polish (a portion of the profits go to the vaguely described “people of Haiti”), a book about makeup specifically for Asian faces (one can only assume it includes Asian faces that range in color and shape from Read More
