Random Midday Hotness: Stakes is High.

Day 2 of J Dilla Appreciation Week. And Posdnuos murders his third verse:

Yo, it’s about love for cars, love for funds
Loving to love mad sex, loving to love guns
Love for opposite, love for fame and wealth
Love for the fact of no longer loving yourself …

Enjoy the rest:

A few years ago Kelley L. Carter, formerly of the Detroit Free-Press, did a fantastic series of articles about the final days of Dilla and, more broadly, his influence in the music industry.

Alas, I can’t find them today. But this piece from last year covers most of the basics.


Joel Anderson —blackink —  writes about sports, politics, crime, courts, and other issues far beyond his competence at BuzzFeed. He has worked at media outlets in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Atlanta and contributed to a number of publications, including The Root and The American Prospect, among many others.
  • Grump

    Neighborhoods are now ‘hoods’
    cause nobody’s ‘neighbors’
    just animals surviving with that animal behavior

    • “Experiments where needles and skin connect/no wonder where we live is called the projects…”

      jeebus, these cats are underrated.

  • LaJane Galt

    love this song!!! Title went through my head the other day.

  • thewayoftheid

    Pos has always been #1 on my list of Top MCs, and this song is one of the reasons why. It’s amazing how relevant this is almost 15 years later. Then again, real art has always been timeless.

  • I received this tape for my 15th birthday in 1996. The second version alone changed my view on hiphop.

  • “gun control means using both hands in my land…”