Stop Stealing All My Bloggers, American Prospect!

Both Shani and Jamelle were guest-bloggers at The American Prospect‘s TAPPED blog last month, doing bang-up work and considerably upping the incidence of hip-hop lyrics as blog post titles over there.

Not to be outdone, quadmoniker is headed to The Prospect in a more permanent role, replacing the dope, departed Dana Goldstein as an associate editor. Her blowuptuation is well underway, and we’re proud as hell of her.

But be warned, American Prospect: you’re on notice. I won’t be having too much more of this talent theft. (Unless, of course, y’all are paying.)



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • -k-

    congrats, m!! :)

    • quadmoniker

      Thanks k!

  • Congratulations! That’s wonderful!

  • Congrats! Terrific news! You’ll be missed!

    • oh, she’ll still be blogging here.

      (i think.)

  • RB

    Man, you sure do know how to assemble the talent. 😉

    • thank you, man. i’ve been pretty lucky.