Dogs and Fleas and Banhammers.

So I’m not all that familiar with the right-wingish site Ace of Spades but was drawn there earlier today, when the eponymous blogger unleashed a righteous rant and threatened to bust out the “banhammer”:

If you have a racial axe to grind, if you are kind of pissed off about minorities, stop posting on the subject. You are embarrassing yourselves, you are embarrassing me, you are embarrassing everyone else here.

If you think that I am secretly winking at you telling you I just hit the Racism Button and it’s okay to start with the racial jibes, you are wrong.

If you think I am your secret racist buddy, who speaks in “code” but you “get” what I’m really saying, you are wrong. I hate you. I despise you.

Which is all fine and good and respectable and such. Kudos to him. But then, a little further down …

I will not ban people — promise — for stating their anti-black and anti-gay resentments in a *serious* fashion. So long as they at least make the most basic efforts not to be utterly offensive in how they express it. Rather, I will take that as the opportunity for serious argument and discussion.

Yes, Ace of Spades promises to allow a very serious airing of anti-black and anti-gay grievances. So for anyone who’s interested in far-right Festivus, no more jokes about Andrew Sullivan and semen or Obama and watermelons.


They’re at least going to be civil about their bigotry.

But anyway, I wonder how long it took before ol’ Ace realized something wasn’t quite right about his audience? And how so many of them wound up there?

It’s almost like the racists and homophobes knew how to find him or something.


Joel Anderson —blackink —  writes about sports, politics, crime, courts, and other issues far beyond his competence at BuzzFeed. He has worked at media outlets in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Atlanta and contributed to a number of publications, including The Root and The American Prospect, among many others.
  • Conservatives get bashers of blacks and gays, yet the group still supports people like John Kyl and Condi Rice. Progressives get bashers of whites and men, yet they still support people like Dennis Kucinich and Russ Feingold. Every family has its embarrassing members.

  • blackink12

    {can not compute}

    What are you talking about?

  • Ladyfresh

    one step forward two(twelve… a hundred…) steps backwards

  • blackink12

    I’m just gonna assume Will can’t, or won’t, explain his position here. Because it’s confusing as hell to me: progressives “bash” whites and men? And this is somehow analogous to conservatives who harbor “black and gay resentment”?

    He’s probably better off staying quiet about that one.