Racism as Defined by Clueless Conservatives.

Patterico, a conservative blogger, describes his “pontifications” as “harangues that make sense.”  Assuming the definition of sense has remained relatively constant, this can’t possibly be the case.  Especially when the blogger in question — in a post linked approvingly by America’s Worst Race Theorist — cites African-American discomfort with interracial marriage as a modern-day example of racism.

Ignoring the fact that it is completely ridiculous to cite a single news article as indicative of a larger trend of “Racist Black People Oppressing the White Man,” it is simply the case that black attitudes regarding interracial marriage make a lot of sense when considered in context (which I understand is a scary word for conservatives).  The simple fact is that in this culture, “blackness” is bad, and to be black and female is to be considered fundamentally problematic (see: most depictions of black women in media) and undesirable.  And the worry among a lot of black women is that black men who date “outside the race” have internalized this frame of black women as being undesirable.  Accordingly, many black women and black men feel uncomfortable when they see prominent black men dating white women, as they take it as an explicit rejection of their blackness (hence the fact that Michelle Obama bolstered Barack’s appeal among black voters – it convinced them that he wasn’t ashamed of his blackness).

To call this racist is, well, stupid.  It is no different than the in-group preference you see in any other racial or ethnic minority.  Indeed, it is best understood as another way to preserve cultural cohesion and push back against negative depictions of ones ethnic group.  Of course, seeing as how conservatives are constantly on the hunt for anything to deflect charges of racism onto minorities, it’s not really a shock that they would latch on to this as an “example” of racism.


Jamelle Bouie is a writer for Slate. He has also written for The Daily Beast, The American Prospect and The Nation. His work centers on politics, race, and the intersection of the two.

You can find him on Twitter, Flickr, and Instagram as jbouie.
  • BugEye

    Interesting post. IMHO you are completely right about setting context and the overall absurdity of conservatives trying to paint minorities as the real racists. If it wasn’t so offensive it would also be comical. The idea that black people are being racist when they react negatively to interracial dating is equally ridiculous. I do however think it is an interesting topic to explore – when the negativity comes form. I have a couple of thoughts. First, you do a very similar thing that someone on this blog accused Ta-Nehisi of recently – you ignore black women in this discussion WRT black women dating white (or other) men. I think that dynamic adds another element. When a black man sees a black woman dating a white man I think their anger is less about a rejection of blackness than it is about the long standing issues around the sexual exploitation of slaves – typically black female slaves by their white male masters. There is also a very real class element here, at least when it comes to black women. I have found it much more common to see upwardly mobile/highly successful/very well educated black women dating white men then the same two from the working class. I’ve always thought that was in large part due to the fact that for these types of women, it’s much harder to find a black man with a similar background, values, and tastes. And, when those black men do exist, they often date white women.

  • Lisa

    Interesting post. I wonder what folks like the blogger who thinks he is sensible would say if suddenly a large subset of famous, successful white men, especially the handsome ones, started marrying dating black women in droves? Somehow, I doubt it would be pretty and somehow I think white women would have some not too kind things to say about it. Shoot, I almost got a beat down hanging out once with a an average to slightly good looking white male FRIEND by some pissed off white woman. Now picture that times 10.

    @Bugeye you make an intersting point but you don’t see anywhere near as many white men of any class with black women of any class than you see black men with white women. YOu can even look at the interracial marriage stats to confirm that.

    • Oh, dear God.

  • SEK

    That post’s part of a series in which Patrick pulls a fast one on his readers: he attacks me, gets his readers to attack me, then shows they’re all hypocrites. I’m not sure why he amuses himself in this way (or at my expense), but there you go.

  • Mudiwa

    Check out how this very post is now being used by America’s Worst Race Theorist:
