Target Women: Jewelry.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • I would just like to say, as a white middle class heterosexual person, that neither my husband nor my boyfriend has ever given me jewelry.

  • I need some roaches in my life…

  • NinaG

    i love ‘target women’ so good

  • Ladyfresh

    i’ve always wondered who the ads were targeted at i’d rather get a flat screen…it’s shiny too you know

  • A few years ago my roommate got some jewelry from her boyfriend for her birthday. She was really upset by it as she knew it was generic, poorly thought out and was just not her. Fast forward about 7 months to my birthday. I bring home a bouquet of a dozen red roses from my ex who was trying to weasel his way back in to my heart. Rather than throw away the roses, I put them in water.

    The same roommate oohed and aahed over the roses because they indicate someone loves you. Whatever. I didn’t get it. Roses die, at least the jewelery has resale value.