Wade Watts Had the Patience of Job.

Do I need a late pass on this?

More on Johnny Lee Clary here, and Wade Watts (uncle of JC Watts) here.

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  • Stewart Spencer

    I am amazed. This is a great story. I am going to pass it on.

  • Jesus. Watts is a G.

  • Shayla_B

    Oh I LOVE this. I need to react that way a lot more these days, if nothing more than to be entertained while tackling ignorance.

  • Watts sounds like a good-humored and Christian man, in the best sense of the word. Also wise enough to know that most good ol’ boys usually have a funny bone.

    And due credit to Clary for at least being open-minded enough to rethink.

  • thashadow

    He was a stronger man than I could ever hope to be.