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Also, fucking Bill Kristol. Off the record means you can’t repeat it. Dickhead.

In 2004, Slate listed how its correspondents and columnists voted in the presidential election.  Then-editor Michael Kinsley explained: No doubt it is true that most journalists vote Democratic, just as most business executives (including most media owners) vote Republican, though neither tendency is as pronounced as their respective critics believe. This is a natural result Read More

Tim Fernholz: …people on the left, especially during the dark days of the early oughts, and, historically, in the eighties with the New Democrats, have shown a willingness to say, “Whoa, something isn’t working here.” Sometimes that took the form of saying that liberals need to be more pragmatic, more conservative, etc., and sometimes it Read More

I’ve been blogstalking Devis With Babies, a blog by two South Asian women (with babies) that I came to via the very thought-provoking Sepia Mutiny.  DWB has a comic called “Brown Girls” and its latest episode discussed the Bradley effect – both national and personal. Apparently this comic got a lot of people over at Read More

M. Leblanc has a candid, thoughtful post on white feminism and the criminal justice system over at Dr. Bitch’s website. The whole thing is worth reading, but this really stood out. So much of White Feminism, especially the kind I have engaged in for most of my adult life, is excessively personal. In particular, the Read More

Are you wondering how Barack Obama is spending the ridiculous amount of money he has? Peruse the Obama-Biden Youtube Channel. There are more than 1500 videos. Some are your typical stump speeches by Obama, Biden, Michelle, and surrogates. Some are the debates. Some are punditry. And some are pure awesome.

WBEZ has posted more episodes of “Odyssey,” a show on which Obama has appeared four times.  It’s pretty fascinating to listen to the former state senator participate in conversations about topics as diverse as the Constitution and urban policy.  It’s particularly relevant because as G.D. and others noted in this thread, Obama’s background is in Read More

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