Freedom From Dental Disease

Freedom From Dental Disease e” src=”” alt=”” width=”500″ height=”375″ />

Broad and Christian Streets, South Philadelphia, 10:15 pm.

There’s so much I wanna say about this, but I’m not sure I’m capable of anything approaching coherence right now. And besides, nothing I would say would do justice to the feeling of standing around with hundreds of Philadelphians high-fiving each other and yelling at the top of their lungs.  The whole town is finna be hoarse tomorrow.

High-fiving at a glorious red light.

“PHILLIES!!!!” a bunch of people would yell.

“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” hundreds of people would yell back. It’s like a holiday spontaneously broke out.

A bunch of Obama volunteers standing in the median.

“OBAMA!!!” someone would yell.

“WOOOOOOOOOO!” the throngs would respond, if they didn’t break out into a chant.

Yes we can.

Horns honked. Fireworks went off. Strangers danced with each other in the clogged intersections. It’s currently 1:30 in the morning, and people are out in full force.

Downtown. [this pic via travisantiravis]

So, so dope.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • I was wondering what that ‘OMG!!!’ text was all about. I didn’t hear about the win til this a.m. Congrats!

  • Grump

    People from Philly can go hoarse?

  • ladyfresshh


  • Go Phillies! Go Obama supporters for being brave enough to go out there with their Obama/Biden signs. I wasn’t going outside for anything – drunk Philadelphians are not my steeze.

  • glory: trust, there is no courage necessary to be an Obama supporter in this deeply blue city. i just got back from Walnut Street, and there were Obama signs in every store (and volunteers on every other corner).

    i love this town.

  • Yeah, but ah… a lot of those folks were on their way home to the northeast… and they’re not quite like the folks like myself who live, work, and play near center city. Though, I know Obama folks are all around me. I’m poll watching all day on Election Day.

    I love this town. Northeast residents notwithstanding.