Eliot Spitzer Steps Down.

Oy. Eliot Spitzer, the crusading governor of New York, is stepping down following his ensnarement in the investigation of a high-profile prostitution ring. His lieutenant governor, David A. Paterson, is set to take over the helm in Albany — which would make Paterson just the third elected black governor since Reconstruction.*

We wonder: what are the options for political spouses in cases like this? Carlita Kilpatrick and Hillary Clinton decided to stick it out (though Clinton’s decision is obviously much more complicated).

* The others were Douglas Wilder of Virginia and Deval Patrick of Massachussetts. P.B.S. Pinchback of Louisiana was not elected.



Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.
  • quadmoniker

    I’m just waiting for the advice for Spitzer from Gay-American James McGreevey on how to survive the scandal with a book deal intact.

  • Potts: do you think the gay angle changes the way McGreevey’s indiscretions were covered? I wonder if we see Spitzer and his wife on Oprah a few months from now, as we did with his compatriot in recklessness across the Hudson.

  • quadmoniker

    Oh absolutely. I think everyone was more sympathetic to McGreevey because he was seen as a victim of society to a degree, rather than part of the regular old alpha male political sex scandal. And he didn’t pay for sex. Though their were serious allegations that he had acted unethically which were less sensational, and so received less attention.