God Hates…Sags? (Late Pass.)

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A few cities are actively trying to dissuade saggin‘, putting up anti-saggin’ billboards and, in some cases, fining and arresting people for letting their jeans sit too low.

Dallas has even commissioned a local rapper to create a song to poo-poo the trend. Ignore the fact that Dooney Da Priest’s song, “Pull Your Pants Up,” which is part of a campaign by a Dallas city official to dissuade young dudes from letting their pants sag is hot garbage; can it work? And is targeting sagging part of some larger broken windows crime prevention strategy, or is it just a way to more aggressively police black men?

Duke professor and author Mark Anthony Neal says that while “Pull Your Pants Up” may be well-intentioned, but it’s unmistakably homophobic. Dooney has since, um, apologized for the anti-gay lyrics in his song (but maybe he should consider apologizing) for all of them.

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Gene "G.D." Demby is the founder and editor of PostBourgie. In his day job, he blogs and reports on race and ethnicity for NPR's Code Switch team.